Kundali Bhagya actors unique dressing Kundali Bhagya the leading show on television that beams on Zee TV has actors Dheeraj Dhoopar and Shraddha Arya playing the roles of Karan and Preeta. Karan-Preeta OMG ... This is too cool😎 Kundali Bhagya:- Karan and Preeta are together on all occasions of joy and sorrow and viewers love to see them handle situations together. Now we give the loyal fans of Dheeraj aka Karan and Shraddha aka Preeta the treat with the two of them twinning in similar colours. Blue, green and pink and you go on and they are seen in the same colour.  It is really unique dressing of Kundali Bhagya actors
Sriti Jha quarantine by learning something new Sriti Jha is a well-known celebrity in the TV world, who has become famous with her Zee TV show Kumkum Bhagya . Sriti Jha started her career with the Disney Channel show "Dhoom Machao Dhoom" and has since become an audience favorite. Sriti Jha is known for her acting among all, Sriti Jha has millions of fans today who follow and like her very much. Sriti has over 1.2 million followers on Instagram, with whom she keeps sharing her photos to stay connected. At the moment where everyone is locked in her house in lockdown due to corona virus and it is getting difficult for them to spend time, Sriti Jha has shared an Instagram post of her telling people how she is spending her time Is using Sriti Jha plays Pragya in Kumkum Bhagya who is the role of a perfect daughter-in-law, not only on screen but Sriti off screen is also like a perfect daughter-in-law who is using this lockdown t...